Virtual Korea

Virtual Korea-Exhibition Series #12 - The Modern and Contemporary Korean Writing

Virtual Korea-Exhibition Series #12 - The Modern and Contemporary Korean Writing


Wednesday, June 10, 2020

The Modern and Contemporary Korean Writing

Korean Cultural Center, Los Angeles(KCCLA/Director Wijin Park) presents the 12th video, the Live Gallery Tour with a Curator "The Modern and Contemporary Korean Writing" by the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea (MMCA) from MMCA's YouTube channel.

"The Modern and Contemporary Korean Writing" canvasses the role and significance of calligraphy within the context of Korean modern and contemporary art, delineating the process through which Korean traditional writing evolved with the Joseon Fine Art Exhibition and National Exhibition representative of the modern period and branched into various forms of calligraphy reflective of contemporary times.

This exhibition not only features works by 12 first-generation Korean modern and contemporary calligraphers who actively produced works during the post-liberation period, but it also overviews aspects of diversification seen in contemporary and design calligraphy pre- and post-2000s. Approximately 300 works including calligraphy, engravings, paintings, sculptures, ceramics, media arts, and printed media and some 70 archival materials unravel the relationships between calligraphy and other art genres to demonstrate the intent behind presenting calligraphy works in a museum space.

The exhibition is comprised of four parts: "Calligraphy in Painting and Painting in Calligraphy," "Calligraphy Mirrors the Calligrapher: The First Generation of Korean Modern and Contemporary Calligraphers," "Calligraphy Revisited: Experimental and Unconventional Contemporary Calligraphy," and "Designed Calligraphy in Everyday Life."

This Virtual Korea-Exhibition Series #12 video is about 1 hour 23 minutes long, Live Gallery Tour with Curator Wonjung Bae from MMCA.

We hope that you can explore the reintroducing Korean calligraphy, which emphasizes artistry unlike Chinese and Japanese calligraphy through this video.

Last Update : 06-18-2020