Thursday, June 18, 2020
Title : 2020 Korean Culture Day 'Searching for Sori'
Uploaded Date:
-Thursday, May 28th, 2020 (Five Hundred Years)
-Thursday, June 18th, 2020 (Sailor's Song)
-Thursday, July 2nd, 2020 (Jindo Arirang)
Presenters : Kelly Che and the Chestondi Project
KCCLA’s Social Media:
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For more Info: or 323-936-3015 Hannah Cho
Korean Cultural Center, Los Angeles(KCCLA) and Kelly Che and the Chestondi Project is hosting 'Searching for Sori' on Thursday, June 18th, 2020 at YouTube KCCLA.
'Sailor's Song', Korean folk song arranged in Latin Jazz will be featured. The beat of Latin jazz is usually four beats, but this song is divided into four beats of authentic Latin jazz and six/eight beats.
All the KCCLA's performance will be introduced on the website of the Korean Cultural Center in Los Angeles (, YouTube Channel, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Please press the 'like' button and 'subscribe' to KCCLA!!!
Please enjoy the online Jazz Concert.
Last Update : 05-14-2021
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