Monday, May 18, 2020
Korean Cultural Center Los Angeles would like to introduce 5 videos as a series titled “Learn Basic Taekwondo Movements” which have been produced as animated content from the Taekwondo Promotion Foundation.
Established in 2005 as a subsidiary of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of, Republic of Korea, the Taekwondo Promotion Foundation aims to disseminate and promote Taekwondo.
You can have a great fun time with your family by learning how to do the movements of Taekwondo, Korea’s iconic martial art: Seogi / Blocking / Kick / Punching & Thrusting / Hitting.
To get started on learning together, click on the image below
Hitting is a movement which allows one to make very fast and versatile attacks, like the moving wind.
* Training Sequence
1. Hand blade neck hitting
2. Back fist face front hitting
3. Elbow turning hitting
4. Elbow target hitting
5. Shallow-shaped hand blade neck hitting
6. Hammer fist down hitting
7. Back fist outer hitting
Last Update : 05-19-2021
* we won't spam you, never.
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