Wednesday, October 14, 2020
2020 Korean Culture Day Online Project
Korean Art @ Home - BOJAGI
'Bojagi, wrapping with fortune and blessings'
-Title: 2020 Korean Culture Day, Korean Art @ Home - BOJAGI
-Uploaded Date: Wednesday, October 14, 2020
-Bojagi Artist: Ms. Ellen Lee
-Presenter: Korean Cultural Center Los Angeles
-More information: Tammy Cho, at 323-936-3014 or
This episode of Korean Bojagi (보자기) is introduced by Ms. Ellen Lee (Bojagi artist), who tells us the history and culture of Korean Bojagi. Ellen also talks about different types of materials and teaches basic wrapping techniques of four Bojagi Knots.
*Korean Cultural Center Los Angeles is hosting 'Korean Culture Day' every month.
The events will vary from exhibitions, workshops, movies, taekwondo performances, and many other cultural events.
Last Update : 05-19-2021
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