Virtual Korea

Korean Culture Day : Globalization of the Korean Wave Through Fandom

Korean Learning Content

Monday, November 09, 2020

K-drama and K-pop have been the main reasons for the globalization of the Korean Wave. In addition to seeing what makes Korean dramas and music so enjoyable, we will see how fan engagement has helped K-drama and K-pop spread around the world.

Please join us!

#KCCLA #KoreanWave, #Hallyu, #K-drama, #K-pop, #KoreanCulture, #KoreanPopularCulture, #K-dramafans, #K-popfans, #BTS, #BTSArmy, #BlackPink,
#JewelinthePalace, #CrashLandingonYou

Last Update : 11-09-2020